A good agent proves its worth when the going gets tough. On
the odd occasion (and it’s statistically rare) that we have a genuine problem
with a tenancy, we work hard with the landlord to get that resolved. This
separates us out from many of our competitors who send a couple of letters to
the tenant, then tell the landlord they need a solicitor – we know this as it’s
very clearly written in the agent’s standard terms.
If you are a landlord who is struggling with a tenancy we
may be able to assist you, particularly if:
- Your
current agent has given up, or
- The
relationship between landlord and tenant has broken down, or
- You’ve
self-managed the tenancy, got the paperwork wrong, and are now struggling
to unpick what you’ve done in order to get possession of the property, or
- The
Local Authority has become involved in tenancy matters and is making
demands of the landlord.
Generally we can help landlords who have properties in
Northampton and around. Occasionally we can assist with properties elsewhere in
England (not Scotland or Wales). Helping may involve sorting out incorrect
paperwork, providing advice, dealing with Local Authority requirements, making
property improvements, acting as mediator with your tenant, or obtaining
possession of the property through the Courts.
We assess these things on a case by case basis, and may not
be able to offer assistance in certain circumstances. Once we understand what
is required, our charges will be made clear to you in writing before any work
is undertaken.
If you need some assistance with a tenancy matter, please
email northampton@belvoir.co.uk in
the first instance