(Northampton & Milton Keynes)
We understand that the above company has ceased trading without informing its customers. We also know of a number of Landlords who have not received rent from the this company, despite their Tenants having paid the rent.
It is possible that there are Landlords who have properties with Thomas & Company who do not realise this. It is also possible that some tenants are still paying rent to Thomas & Company, and that this rent will never reach the landlord. It is also possible that deposits held by Thomas & Company may not be registered, leaving Landlords open to legal action from tenants.
If you know a Landlord who has a property with Thomas & Company, or you know of a Tenant who lives in a Thomas and Company property, you need to make them aware of this situation. Belvoir is happy to offer advice to Landlords and Tenants who are unsure what to do next. For this they can contact: (for properties in Northampton) (for properties in Milton Keynes)