- 3 bed property in Thorplands
- Freehold
- 100% refurbished - new windows, kitchen, bathroom, flooring, decoration
- Property guaranteed by the contractor for 12 months.
- Rent of £575PCM guaranteed by Belvoir for the first 12 months.
- Available to purchase cash for £89,995 - vendor wants cash for a quick sale, but you could re-mortgage out after 6 months of ownership.
Suggested purchase price
Estimated refurbishment spend
Total spend
Estimated monthly mortgage payment (2yr fixed)*
Estimated monthly mortgage payment (5yr fixed)*
Monthly rental figure**
Annual yield
*assumed borrowing 80% of purchase price on a buy-to-let basis.
**rental figures are conservative.
EMAIL richard.baker@belvoirlettings.com if you are interested.
11 properties acquired for landlords in 2011.
OPTION 2 - be REALLY quick if interested.
- 3 bed Victorian property in the Town Centre
- Freehold
- Purchase for £70k cash, spend £25k on a refurb = property then easily worth £105k, maybe more.
- Vendor wants a purchase within 7 days
Suggested purchase price
Estimated refurbishment spend
Total spend
Estimated monthly mortgage payment (2yr fixed)*
Estimated monthly mortgage payment (5yr fixed)*
Monthly rental figure**
Annual yield
or sell for a profit!
EMAIL ME IF INTERESTED richard.baker@belvoirlettings.com