However one has popped up today which is a definite buy - see http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-60446689.html - it looks like they want £115,000 for it if you're quick.
This is a £140,000 property easily - probably £145,000 in the current market. And it's not going to take £25,000 to get it in good order - I suspect no more than £10,000 looking at the pictures. As such this is a very good bet for someone shopping at the lower end of the market.
It will comfortably rent for £675PCM once done.
Interested parties should contact the agent direct as I'm not selling this one. I can assist with refurbishment as required - please email me richard.baker@belvoir.co.uk for details.
If you're out of area and want to buy blind - I'm happy to view for you - again contact me.