The solution at that point is to talk to someone like ourselves. Whilst we may not be solicitors, our knowledge of the law of Landlord and Tenant is better than most solicitors because we deal with issues like this every day. If you are in a pickle we offer a free introductory chat where we’ll review what’s happened so far and advise what steps you need to take to move this forward. Sometimes things can be rectified – other times it’s simply a question of understanding the legal process you need to go through to get your property back.
We operate landlord ‘surgeries’ like this by appointment throughout the year and have helped quite a few people who had got themselves into a difficult situation with their tenancy. If you’re in need of help with a tenancy matter, or you know someone that is, email me richard.baker@belvoir.co.uk for an initial chat. You'll get straightforward and honest advice and if you're partly to blame by cutting corners to save money you'll be politely told that too!