Prices from £117,000 - rents from £600 to £700
We've been instructed on the sale of 13 flats in the Northampton area. These are at various locations in town. The reason for the sale is marital breakdown. We have sales agreed on 2 already for this morning and expect the whole lot to go fairly quickly even though it's a quiet time of year. These will appeal to investors who value a nice looking property in a decent area that should prove to attract decent tenants and be fairly low maintenance. They are all LEASEHOLD with details as follows:

We've been instructed on the sale of 13 flats in the Northampton area. These are at various locations in town. The reason for the sale is marital breakdown. We have sales agreed on 2 already for this morning and expect the whole lot to go fairly quickly even though it's a quiet time of year. These will appeal to investors who value a nice looking property in a decent area that should prove to attract decent tenants and be fairly low maintenance. They are all LEASEHOLD with details as follows:
- modern (about 10 years old) 2 bed apartments.
- all in good internal order and well maintained by the current owner.
- all come with good quality private tenants already in.
- all with over 110 years remaining on the lease and annual charges of about £1000 per annum.
- predominately in the SOUTHBRIDGE area of town - VERY close to town, VERY easy to rent, and VERY close to where the university is shortly relocating.
- available as singles or multiples but priced to sell so a discount for multiple purchases is unlikely.