This has popped up in Southfields. The piccies don't do it justice - once done, this would be a nice 2 bed house, with adjacent garage and off road parking for 2. It's nicely tucked away at the end of a private driveway too. An easy renter in any market at £550PCM. Needs work though.
Available to purchase at around the £87k mark (£85k has been rejected). It requires a spend of about £15k to bring it back to tip top standard - basically it's one of these that hasn't been touched since it was built. We are happy to project manage for out of area landlords for a nominal fee.
Let's assume you spend £103k all in, on a property that's worth £110k once done. You could sell at that point for a small profit. Or you could rent for a 6.4% yield - a very good long term bet.
As ever email me for details.
Available to purchase at around the £87k mark (£85k has been rejected). It requires a spend of about £15k to bring it back to tip top standard - basically it's one of these that hasn't been touched since it was built. We are happy to project manage for out of area landlords for a nominal fee.
Let's assume you spend £103k all in, on a property that's worth £110k once done. You could sell at that point for a small profit. Or you could rent for a 6.4% yield - a very good long term bet.
As ever email me for details.