A 2 bed house at £135k here in one of the best ex Local Authority Areas in town, not far from Abington Park. The catch is we don't know the internal condition - we assume it needs work - the question is how much.
There are a lot of people supposedly wanting one of these at the moment and commenting that not much comes up. If you're in this number you need to look at this one, because the world is not your oyster, and you won't buy more than this for the same money.
It will rent easily but much depends on internal condition. £625 (if it's basic, but legal) up to £700 if it's nice and sparkly inside. As ever I can help with works. You'll need to go through the agent who's listed it for access. If I have a viewing arrangement with you, and you're not in town, I'm happy to go and take a look at this one.