The asking price on this has dropped from £110k to £90k. Whilst I'm usually cautious about modern leasehold flats, at that price and in this premium postcode, you can't really go wrong - 2 bed properties do not really happen in Grange Park for less than £100k, so unless there's something fundamentally wrong with this one, it's a steal.
Do your figures on a rental of £550PCM - we'll likely exceed this, but we won't go lower. That's 7.3% without even trying. People keep telling me "I don't want to spend much, but I want to buy in a nice area!" - voila!
Do your figures on a rental of £550PCM - we'll likely exceed this, but we won't go lower. That's 7.3% without even trying. People keep telling me "I don't want to spend much, but I want to buy in a nice area!" - voila!