- 2 Bed Freehold House, Semilong
- Freehold
- Reposession - needs someone that can proceed quickly.
- Will rent for £495PCM on a bad day - this will be a private tenant. £525PCM to a Local Authority Tenant.
- Purchase price of £80,000 - it may be possible to achieve a small discount on this.
- Is not in perfect condition, but is rentable, and will be for a number of years. Longer term it will need some investment, as would any other property of this age.
- A full structural survey is recommended on this property. Whilst there are no visible signs of movement, we would always recommend on a property of this age.
Suggested purchase price
Estimated refurbishment spend
Total spend
Estimated monthly mortgage payment (2yr fixed)*
Estimated monthly mortgage payment (5yr fixed)*
Monthly rental figure**
Annual yield
*assumed borrowing 80% of purchase price on a buy-to-let basis.
**rental figures are conservative.
EMAIL richard.baker@belvoirlettings.com if you are interested.
9 properties acquired for landlords in 2011.
EMAIL richard.baker@belvoirlettings.com if you are interested.
9 properties acquired for landlords in 2011.